No offers to buy/sell/trade coupon codes. (or a photo of that portion of the device) will be banned. It can be used to claim a warranty replacementĪnd prevent you from doing so in the future. If you want to ensure you're getting genuine pods, buy them directly from JUUL, or from a store that appears on their locator.

Take a look at these comparison photos for items you're questioning.Use the store locator provided by JUUL to find a good retailer.The photos almost never show enough detail, and the answers you get are often misinformed guesses, and will contradict one another. No posts asking if pods or a device are genuine or counterfeit. (Yes, even if you're 19, none of these topicsĪre relevant to adults.) Rule of thumb: if your post will resonate most with kids in school, then take it to /r/teenagers. Don't ask how to find it underage, how you vape in r/electronic_cigarette VENDORS & GIVEAWAYS Read these rules before you post. The premier subreddit for all things vape-related. Looking to switch to a traditional setup? All the options a bit too daunting? /r/Vaping101 For buying or selling your empty pods /r/JuulPod