Push services from Gmail seem to work better with Inbox so that emails are received instantly and there is a constant count of how many unread emails I have in my Gmail inbox. I have both Apps on my iPhone screen and male always seems to arrive at Google Inbox first. Like Apple mail, it’s just a simple swipe to delete an email, but Google Inbox also has an “undo” button at the bottom so that if you accidentally delete an email you can get it straight back with one press. (For example, the pdf file in the screenshot above.) You can see a little preview or icon of the attachment on the main email screen. Google Inbox is also better at handling attachments than the Apple Mail App. Here is a screenshot of the Inbox in Google Inbox – you can see how it’s laid out. When I go back to Apple mail it looks clunky. Now, most of us know how to check or send emails right from our iPhone or iPad. The Mail App on iOS Has Plenty of Useful Features for You to Enjoy Setting Up Your Email Address Of course, the most important initial step is to set up your email address on Mail. This is the ONLY Mail for iPhone Tutorial youll need Proper Honest Tech 53K views 1 month ago BACKUP YOUR MAC - IN-DEPTH look at Apple Time Machine and many ways to save and recover your. And throughout those years, Apple has updated the app and made a bunch of changes to make it easier and more efficient to use, even in smaller displays. It’s easy to scan down and see the subject, sender etc. The Mail app on iPhone and iPad has been around for ages. Google Inbox looks better than the Apple Mail app. It’s just lovely to use, where do I start? I have been using it alongside Apple Mail for about a year but in the last couple of months I have completely ditched the Apple Mail app in favour of Google Inbox. Google Inbox has become my preferred email app for my iPhone. According to Moore, iPhone users with the Gmail app are breaking Apple’s desired ecosystem.